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On March 18, 2023, in the Italian Official Gazette was published the Legislative Decree No. 26/2023, implementing the “Omnibus Directive” on consumer protection. What is most relevant for Italian companies is the risk of receiving sanctions from the Italian Competition Authority, making it necessary to adapt their procedures, marketing strategies and contractual models.
The implementation of the Omnibus Directive in Italy, introducing new rules on transparency, information and consumer protection, makes it necessary for further business adaptation in terms of procedures, marketing strategies and contractual models in use.
As an example, marketing strategies will have to be updated to comply with the indication of paid advertising in search results and the verification of the actual authenticity of product reviews.
The regulatory changes affect various contractual conduct and business behavior that will, henceforth, be deemed unfair. In order to comply with the new regulations, entrepreneurs will have to provide consumers with even greater transparency by providing clear and understandable information regarding the products/services offered and their terms of supply.
In order to avoid large penalties, it is crucial to take early action to map out activities and make the business adjustment required by the regulations in time. Let’s look in more detail at what penalties are involved.
The new penalties have been increased significantly. For violations at the national level, the maximum amount of the administrative penalty that can be issued by the Italian Competition Authority (Italian Competition Authority) has been raised from 5,000,000.00 to 10,000,000.00 euros (Article 7, paragraph 9, Italian Consumer Code).
Although it was not subject to regulatory innovation, we would like to recall that the minimum penalty in case of misleading consumer information on products that are likely to endanger the health and safety of consumers or intended for children and teenagers is 50,000.00 Euros.
For violations at the Union level, penalties can be up to 4 percent of the annual turnover achieved in Italy or in the EU member states affected by the violation: if information on annual turnover is not available, the maximum amount of the penalty will be 2 million Euros.
The penalties can have a significant impact on online activities, as they increase the financial risk associated with noncompliance with respect to the new rules. Let’s examine in greater detail what the main changes and new obligations are.
The entrepreneur will have to clearly say, for products offered on online marketplaces, whether the third party offering the products is a professional or not, based on the third party’s own declaration to the online marketplace provider (Article 22, paragraph 4, letter e bis, Italian Consumer Code).
In the same spirit of maximum transparency, should consumers be provided with the opportunity to search for products, a special section of the online interface must also be created that is directly and easily accessible from the page where the search results are presented, regarding the main parameters that determine the ranking of the products presented to the consumer as a result of his or her search and the relative importance of these parameters in relation to other parameters (see Article 22, paragraph 4a, Consumer Code).
Consequently, punishable conduct will be considered:
The new rule also attempts to curb the state of “perma-promotion” adopted by some companies. Let’s see how Italian implementation has dealt with the “Omnibus Directive”.
The new rules regarding price reduction announcements are set out in Article 17a of the Italian Consumer Code and stipulate that price reduction announcements must indicate the price charged in the 30 days before the promotion.
More specifically, the article introduced to implement the Directive and in force as of April 2, 2023 provides that:
Exceptions are “launch prices”, which are characterized by successive announcements of price increases and are not subject to the rules of this article.
The rule also applies for the purpose of identifying the normal selling price to be displayed at extraordinary sales pursuant to Article 15(5) of Legislative Decree No. 114 of March 31, 1998. On the other hand, the rule does not apply to discount sales (referred to in Article 15, paragraph 7, of the aforementioned Legislative Decree No. 114 of 1998), and the price of sales to the public discount does not add up for the purpose of identifying the previous price.
Anyone who violates the provisions shall be subject to the administrative fine referred to in Article 22, paragraph 3, of the cited Legislative Decree No. 114 of 1998, to be imposed in the manner provided therein and taking into account the following criteria:
To adapt your promotional strategies to these new provisions, you can follow these practical tips:
For some time now, it has been customary to ask for the consumer’s or user’s personal data as compensation for provided services. The issue has already been addressed in previous regulatory interventions and also in Italian Competition Authority (Italian Competition Authority) measures.
The new legislation also extends consumer protection to contracts in which the consumer does not pay a monetary price, but provides his or her personal data to the merchant who processes it for purposes other than providing the digital content or service. Protective measures under the legislation include:
To ensure that they comply with these provisions, entrepreneurs offering digital content or services in exchange for personal data will need to adjust their policies and procedures in accordance with consumer protection regulations.
The new regulatory provisions take effect in Italy as of April 2, 2023.
However, as mentioned above, as far as “price reduction announcements” are concerned, the new regulations will be applicable from the 90th day after the decree comes into force (i.e., July 1, 2023).
Here are some practical pointers on how to deal corporately with the issues raised by the Italian implementation of the “Omnibus Directive.”
To address this umpteenth challenge, consulting experienced compliance and consumer law attorneys can help you fully understand the new regulations and apply them properly in your business.
Avvocato Arlo Canella