Image and Photography

A lawsuit can be filed to both stop the infringement and obtain financial compensation for the damages.

There can be a positive or negative reputational effect depending on the context in which the image is reproduced. We deal with unauthorised exploitation of images and photographs and the recovery of related rights on a daily basis. Our “Essential Course on Image Law” is one of the most attended online events on image and photography Right Law.

Would you like to know how much it costs to act to recover your rights? Click on the button.


As everyone knows, photographs are governed by Copyright Law,  which grants a number of rights to the author of the shot and/or to those involved in it. The Image Right Law, on the other hand, is that personal right (Article 10 of the Italian Civil Code) that prevents others from publishing and displaying our image without permission. Articles 96 and 97 of the Copyright Law also govern portraits, namely the artistic (e.g. illustration) or photographic reproduction of a person.

Images are fundamental elements of contemporary communication (social media and advertising, brands and logos, design, photography and journalism, etc.).

The Canella Camaiora Law Firm is highly qualified and well-renowned for dealing with Image Law cases.



Canella Camaiora Law Firm provides specific protection strategies for the image and photographic Authors' Rights of its Clients.


We are highly experienced litigators and we take into consideration the costs and benefits of each procedure. We provide assistance in both extrajudicial and judicial actions in order to recover the rights to images and photographs.


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Workshops & Events

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Essential course on film industry law: from conception to distribution

9 May 2024 | 18:00 - 20:00
Live Webinar!

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You will never forget your first trademark® [Live Webinar!]

21 Mar 2024 | 18:00 - 20:30
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How to Protect an Innovative Idea ® [Live Webinar!]

29 Feb 2024 | 18:00 - 20:00
Webinar Live!

Essential Course on Image Law® [Live Webinar!]

25 Jan 2024 | 18:00 - 20:00
Webinar Live!

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Essential Course on Fashion Law [Live Webinar!]

14 Dec 2023 | 18:00 - 20:00
Live Webinar!

Music Law: an essential guide for professionals

30 Nov 2023 | 1° modulo: 10:00 - 13:30 / 2° modulo: 14:30 - 17:00
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Franchising: understanding and facing the challenges of strategic expansion [Live Webinar!]

16 Nov 2023 | 18:00 - 20:00
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Collecting and legal protection: an essential guide for art enthusiasts

26 Oct 2023 | 1° modulo: 10:00 - 12:30 / 2° modulo: 14:30 - 17:00
Live Webinar!

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