Compliance with Whistleblowing Regulations

Protect your company and your reporters

Whistleblowing is the practice of reporting misconduct, corruption, abuse or negligence within the business organization. Anyone who goes out of their way to expose these violations is known as a “whistleblower”.

Whistleblowing legislation is a key aspect of protecting your organization from wrongdoing, corruption and abuse. Legislative Decree No. 24 of March 10, 2023 ensures that whistleblowers are protected and comply with the law.

Our law firm is your trusted partner in complying with the whistleblowing legislation, specifically:

  • Regulatory Analysis: We assess your specific needs and guide you in the proper application of the regulations;
  • Policy and Procedure Development: We create customized policies to handle whistleblowing and protect confidentiality;
  • Training: We train your staff on whistleblowing regulations and procedures, whistleblowing management, and retaliation prevention;
  • Whistleblowing Management: We offer tools and procedures to handle whistleblowing effectively and confidentially;
  • Legal Assistance: Our team of experienced lawyers is ready to defend your interests in case of disputes.

Identify with our lawyers experienced in whistleblowing cases and get a quote.

Complying with whistleblowing regulations is a step toward a culture of integrity and accountability and avoiding the application of sanctions in cases of the perpetration of retaliation, obstruction of reporting, breach of confidentiality obligations, and in cases where reporting channels have not been established and/or procedures for handling them have not been adopted.


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