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Non-repayable grants for the creation of new businesses in Lombardy

Published in: Startups, Business and Innovation
by Arlo Canella
Home > Non-repayable grants for the creation of new businesses in Lombardy

If you are starting a new business in Lombardy, the “Nuova Impresa” announcement can be a real opportunity to obtain a non-repayable grant of up to 10,000 euros.

In this article:

The non-repayable grants

If you are planning to start a new business in Lombardy in 2023, or have already started it in 2022, you can take advantage of non-repayable grants made available by the Lombardy Region.

In particular, thanks to the “Nuova Impresa” notice, you can get 10,000 euros in non-repayable grants against an investment of 20,000 euros.

The Canella Camaiora Law Firm, thanks to its experience in the field of entrepreneurship and startups, can offer all the necessary assistance in the startup phase, including participation in the call aimed at obtaining contributions.

The Canella Camaiora Law Firm, with its experience in the field of entrepreneurship and startups, can offer all the necessary assistance in the startup phase, including participation in the call for proposals aimed at obtaining grants.

Requirements for accessing grants

To access non-repayable grants for business start-ups in Lombardy, you must meet certain requirements:

  • Be a micro, small or medium enterprise based in Lombardy established after January 1, 2022;
  • Be a self-employed person (freelancer) domiciled in Lombardy with a VAT number activated after January 1, 2022;
  • Be in good standing with registration and contribution obligations;
  • Possess a digital signature device;
  • Be in possession of SPID or CNS or CIE.

With our help you will be able to verify that you meet the legal requirements to access the notice.

Eligible expenses

Basically, if you are about to spend 20,000 euros in starting your business, or have already spent it, on the notary, accountant, Web site, trademark registration or purchase of other materials, you may be able to get a 10,000-euro non-refundable grant.

Expenditures eligible for the non-repayable grant for business start-ups in Lombardy include:

  • The purchase of capital goods, machinery, equipment, furniture and the construction of facilities;
  • The purchase of software, user licenses, patents and licenses on intellectual property (up to 60 percent of the total project expenditure);
  • The purchase of hardware (excluding cell phones and smartphones);
  • The expenses for registration and development of trademarks and patents, quality certifications, and any consulting fees for these items;
  • Notary fees and costs related to business formation;
  • Fees for services and consulting in such areas as marketing, logistics, production, personnel, contracting, accounting and taxation;
  • Rental fees for the registered and operational headquarters;
  • The development of a communication and promotion plan (logo, domain, website, adv, advertising materials, etc.).

How to submit the application

The application for funding for the creation of new businesses in Lombardy can be submitted online at the Lombardy Region portal.

The application window for the 2022 edition of the call for applications opened a while ago but will remain open until March 31, 2023. The 2023 edition, on the other hand will open at 2 p.m. on April 27, 2023.

In short, the still available resources suggest that it is worth applying but one must do so while complying with the regulations and requirements.

Assistance in participating in the call

The Canella Camaiora Law Firm has partnered with Fortitudo Finance to offer all the assistance needed to participate in the “New Enterprise” call for proposals.

Fortitudo Finance, in fact, adopts a particularly attractive formula and asks for a fee for the assistance provided, stopping an initial deposit of 250 Euro, only once the contribution has been obtained.

If you wish to take advantage of this opportunity, please book an appointment with us no later than March 15 to receive all the necessary information.

Thanks to our experience and expertise, we will be able to provide you with full support at every stage of the application process for grants for the creation of new businesses in Lombardy. Don’t miss this opportunity, contact us for more information.

Se desideri usufruire di questa opportunità, ti invitiamo a concordare un appuntamento con noi entro e non oltre il 15 marzo per ricevere tutte le informazioni necessarie. 

Grazie alla nostra esperienza e competenza, saremo in grado di fornirti un supporto completo in ogni fase del processo di richiesta dei contributi a fondo perduto per la creazione di nuove imprese in Lombardia. Non lasciarti sfuggire questa opportunità, contattaci per maggiori informazioni.

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Publication date: 6 March 2023
Avv. Arlo Cannela

Avvocato Arlo Canella

Managing Partner of Canella Camaiora Law Firm, member of the Milan Bar Association, passionate about Branding, Communication and Design.
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