How to Protect an Innovative Idea ® [Live Webinar!]

innovative ideas protection
20 Apr 2023
18:00 - 20:00
Free admission
Home > How to Protect an Innovative Idea ® [Live Webinar!]

Far too often companies and startups fail to realise that “talking about something innovative” – prior to filing – could actually kill the chance of obtaining a valid Patent. Choosing the wrong Trademark can lead to dangerous interference with competitors and jeopardise previous investments. Patents, Designs, Models, Copyrights… do not only concern the tangible world but also web platforms and digitally developed projects.

How to protect an innovative idea® is a highly successful event currently in its eight edition.

The event covers the basic rules of intellectual property in just two and a half hours: as such, it is innovative as it is essential, educational and full of iconic references. We talk about trademarks, patents, design and copyright… using a common language that everyone can understand.

Every idea always results in authorship content, software, data collections, confidential information. It is imperative to provide a legal foundation for your business project so as not to jeopardise its market potential.

Please note, the course is held in Italian.


This event is for all those who do not know how to protect their project or their work: entrepreneurs, start uppers, freelancers but also creative people and artists who want to understand how to protect it on the market.


  • How to protect an idea
  • From intuition to team development
  • Innovative designs and patents for invention
  • Product design registration
  • How to protect software and websites
  • Protecting secrets and know-how
  • Is there protection for those who do not file?
  • How much a trademark is worth and how to protect it
  • Commercial format protection


How to defend an innovative idea® will be held as a Live Webinar on 20 April 2023, from 18:00 to 20:00.

Please note, the course is held in Italian.

The course is free of charge but places are limited: booking is necessary. The event will take place as a Zoom meeting. We will provide you with attendance instructions upon confirmation of your registration. We suggest connecting to the event at least 15 minutes before it starts.


How to defend an innovative idea® is an event organised by Proofy® la registrazione per chi crea, in collaboration with the main Italian forges of new entrepreneurship and with the participation of Arlo Canella, a lawyer operating in the field of intellectual property, passionate about the themes of innovation and business communication and managing director of Canella Camaiora Studio Legale.


Arlo Canella, Supreme Court lawyer at the Court of Milan, Partner and Managing Director of the Canella Camaiora Law Firm. According to a survey carried out by the Italian financial newspaper Il Sole 24 ore-Statista, the Canella Camaiora Law Firm is one of the best in Italy for the area of Intellectual Property for the third year in a row (2020, 2021, 2022). The evaluation is based on reports from peer-to-peer lawyers, corporate lawyers and clients. 

Valentina Panizza, graduated in Business and Economics for Arts and Culture at Bocconi University. She worked for years as a management consultant for SMEs and startups. She is co-founder of Proofy® la registrazione per chi crea, a project awarded with the Seal of Excellence and with funding from the European Commission under the “Open Disruptive Innovation” of phase 1 of the SME Instruments – H2020. In 2018 Valentina Panizza was selected by Gammadonna among the 30 best female entrepreneurs of the year.


Please note that the educational course is free of charge and that the request for the issue of a certificate of attendance is totally discretionary and optional. If you are currently living outside Italy and you would like to request a certificate of attendance, please contact us here.

Only in the event that the participant explicitly requests a certificate of attendance, will the organisation request a minimal financial contribution, due to the administrative management of the file (verification of actual participation, creation and transmission of the certificate). The cost of the certificate in digital format is € 14.99 incl. VAT*. The paper version of the certificate, in colour and bearing the original signatures of the speakers and organisers, costs € 27.99 incl. VAT*. After booking, in order to request and obtain the certificate of participation, you must carefully follow the instructions that will be sent to you by e-mail from the organisers.

Please note that the certificate of participation is proof of participation in the Webinar for which it was issued, however, it does not constitute a legal title valid for the purposes of public tenders and/or for university credits. Given the divulgative nature of the event, it does not entitle to receive credits to be used as proof of lawyers’ continuous professional education.

*VAT 22% is applied only to EU citizens and Italian companies.

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