Trademark registration is one of the special services dedicated to Trademark Registration.
The registration of a trademark provides an exclusive right in the area in which the application is filed with the relevant authorities (e.g. Italian, EU, US, Chinese, etc.). Different types of trademarks can be registered: descriptive, figurative, mixed, a shape, a sound, etc.
The trademark registration service is requested by entrepreneurs, startuppers and professionals who intend to acquire a valid exclusive right to exploit a distinctive sign.
Trademarks are used to distinguish the products and services of several trade sectors:
The list is given as an example only.
The trademark registration service provides protection for a period of 10 years. This protection is perpetually renewable, 10 years at a time.
Our trademark registration service includes:
Processing time: 3 working days.
Urgency processing time: 24 hours.
Canella Camaiora Law Firm is highly qualified in the protection and management of industrial property rights.
The extensive experience of our professionals in trademark matters enables the Firm to provide accurate evaluations and rapid responses to registration procedures.