The Design Protection service is one the services in the practice area Design Law.
Different legal actions can be brought against infringing acts. Depending on the severity of the situation at hand, the Firm takes action by issuing
The service of design protection is requested by designers, planners and entrepreneurs.
Legal intervention is needed due to imitation, counterfeiting or plagiarism of the original design of:
This list is for illustrative purposes only.
Our design protection service allows to obtain the termination of the infringement and the compensation of damages, by properly assessing the infringement.
The service is carried out through
The Canella Camaiora Law Firm is highly qualified in the management and protection of Design. The Firm is also highly experienced in civil and industrial litigation.
Our litigation experience allows us to make clear, accurate and realistic assessments, also in terms of opportunity and in relation to the benefits obtainable from the action.